This week I’ve taken my very first staycation. I was supposed to go on a trip to see a space shuttle launch with the vacation days I had put in for at work, but several factors added up to make it not seem as feasible. I had some car issues that were not fully resolved… Continue reading Staycation: Finding Obstacles to Living in the Present
Do Epic Shit: Reflections on My Epic April
This April I decided to try to live up Brian Oberkirch‘s motto and “Do Epic Shit.” He originally spoke on this idea in a panel about how to make yourself more interesting, but I think the implications go a lot further than just that. After completing a half-marathon in early March, I was really excited about… Continue reading Do Epic Shit: Reflections on My Epic April
What is the Good Life (part 3): 3 Reasons Practical Wisdom Matters
Previously we’ve discussed that for Aristotle, living the good life means achieving a state of eudaimonia, or internal excellence, which is both hard to achieve and hard to lose once achieved. The good life consists of two types of excellence: character excellence, and intellectual excellence. What exactly is intellectual excellence, then? It’s phronesis, or rather, practical wisdom.… Continue reading What is the Good Life (part 3): 3 Reasons Practical Wisdom Matters
Warrior Dash: 5 Reasons Why Play Matters
“Play expands self expression, self knowledge, self actualization, and self efficacy…Play connects us to people in a positive way, stimulates creative thinking and exploration, regulates our emotions, and boosts our ego.” — Garry Landreth This weekend I got a chance to run the Warrior Dash in Jackson, MS, and it was a really enjoyable experience.… Continue reading Warrior Dash: 5 Reasons Why Play Matters
What is the Good Life (part 2): Excellence of Character
Last time, we left off discussing Aristotle’s conception of the good life and how it requires reason to achieve excellence. For Aristotle, there are two kinds of excellence within man. The excellence most often discussed by scholars is that of excellence of character: Excellence, then, is a state concerned with choice, lying in a mean… Continue reading What is the Good Life (part 2): Excellence of Character
What is the Good Life (part 1)
Philosophy changed my life. My very first experience with philosophy was finding and reading a copy of on my father’s bookcase, but that quickly led to me Aristotle, who has stuck with me over the years. Before discovering Aristotle, my primary concerns were related to life’s day-to-day pleasures. I asked myself how I could be… Continue reading What is the Good Life (part 1)
My Battle With Quitting Soda (Episode 2): On Willpower
The toughest part of quitting my soda habit was the extreme desire internal desire to drink it. It often feels as if my brain is hard-wired and will never stop craving the yummy goodness that it sees as a soda. There are two situations that almost always give rise to these cravings: 1. Eating a meal… Continue reading My Battle With Quitting Soda (Episode 2): On Willpower
Raise Your Pints: Mississippi Raises Alcohol Limit for Beer
On Monday, April 9th, Mississippi’s beer laws took a major step forward, and as of July 1, Mississippian’s will legally be able to buy beer as high as 10% ABV, as opposed to the 6% that was previously allowed. This opens up the choice that will be possible greatly, and will include a larger percentage… Continue reading Raise Your Pints: Mississippi Raises Alcohol Limit for Beer
My Battle with Quitting Soda (Episode 1): On Intuition
In my effort to live the good life, I decided on my birthday of last year to give up soda. Several years earlier, I had made the switch to almost exclusively drinking diet soda, but so many studies have shown that the artificial sweeteners used in these sodas are not only bad for you, but likely cause you… Continue reading My Battle with Quitting Soda (Episode 1): On Intuition
Looking Ahead for Philosophy Matters: Please Support the Project
Click here to vote: As I’ve written before, my long-term plans are to take the ideas that I’ve started in this blog and form a nonprofit organization. As of now, I have three main ideas about projects I’m interested in tackling: 1. Fun activities open to the public – bike rides, cooking… Continue reading Looking Ahead for Philosophy Matters: Please Support the Project