Nietzsche once wrote that “our writing instruments contribute to our thoughts” in reference to his switch from a pen to the Malling-Hansen Writing Ball typewriter. He was responding in a letter to his friend Peter Gast, who had noted the change in writing style. Friedrich Kittler describes this as a change from “arguments to aphorisms,… Continue reading The Bias of Communication
Category: Television
Moral Monday: The Wedding of River Song
Merry Moral Monday! Several of us—JustHeath included—here at Philosophy Matters are purveyors of the British science fiction series Doctor Who. In fact, J J Sylvia, the founder of the website, has even written a very good chapter in a centered on the philosophy of the television program. This past Saturday night, I happened to catch… Continue reading Moral Monday: The Wedding of River Song
Holiday Comfort: TV Edition
Aloha! LKAwesome recently posed readers a series of related questions: “So tell us over here at Philosophy Matters what brings you comfort when the weather gets colder. Is it family? Friends? A lucky sweatshirt or a favorite meal? How do you know when it is time to reach for that comfort?” Today, I’m going to… Continue reading Holiday Comfort: TV Edition
The Effects of TV: How To Be Happy and Live the Good Life
A new book explores the impact that a person’s media viewing habits can have on the quality of their life and ability to achieve happiness. WEBWIRE – Thursday, November 15, 2012 Meridian, Mississippi, USA – This November, author J.J. Sylvia IV has released the book “The Effects of TV: How To Be Happy and Live the Good… Continue reading The Effects of TV: How To Be Happy and Live the Good Life
Moral Monday: Political Advertisements (TV Edition)
Merry Moral Monday! So, I’ve been told there’s some sort of democratic rights of citizens shindig going on tomorrow. In honour of electing complete strangers to later actually elect (or re-elect) the personage who shall bear the burdensome title of “Mr. President,” I wanted to pose a couple of questions for readers to consider critically. … Continue reading Moral Monday: Political Advertisements (TV Edition)
Undecided Voters: The Importance of TV
CNN recently published an interesting feature on undecided voters in the 2012 election. This post isn’t about the politics of the article – rather, it’s about the decision to include both the television and what’s on the television as one of the important elements of the profile of a person. And of course, the token atelevisionist is also… Continue reading Undecided Voters: The Importance of TV