I keep waiting for this headline to appear. In the ongoing struggle between privacy and convenience, convenience often seems to win without much debate. Marketing and advertising professionals seem to have unlocked the key to getting consumers happily hand over data about themselves: simply offer some rewards. If you let us track all of your… Continue reading NSA Loyalty Rewards Program: $1,000 Tax Rebate
Category: Economics
Black Friday and Overconsumption
I recently mentioned that I’m getting rid of a lot of book in the process of trying to simplify things in my life. One of the realizations I’ve had from this process is that I don’t find I have the need to go shopping nearly as much. When I am more consciously reflecting on the… Continue reading Black Friday and Overconsumption
Moral Monday: Political Advertisements (TV Edition)
Merry Moral Monday! So, I’ve been told there’s some sort of democratic rights of citizens shindig going on tomorrow. In honour of electing complete strangers to later actually elect (or re-elect) the personage who shall bear the burdensome title of “Mr. President,” I wanted to pose a couple of questions for readers to consider critically. … Continue reading Moral Monday: Political Advertisements (TV Edition)
The Jetsons: Work in the Modern World
“George Jetson: age 34, is a loving family man who always seems to make the wrong decision. He works ‘full-time,’ 9 hours a week, at Spacely’s Sprockets as a computer engineer.” – Wikipedia For me, one of the most interesting “predictions,” so to speak, from the TV show the Jetsons, was the idea that George… Continue reading The Jetsons: Work in the Modern World