This post is the first in a series by my students at Mississippi Governor’s School. As a final project, they were challenged with creating an idea that could be used on a massive scale to help others live the good life. As I scoured the World Wide Web to find the perfect topic for me… Continue reading The Good Life, Organic Living, and Macrowikinomics
Category: Mississippi Governor’s School
Globalization: The relevancy of the United Nations
Discuss homework answers. Open with discussion about the difficulty of balancing interests among nations. Treaty of Versailles negotiation activity: Treaty of Versailles Negotiation Game – Teachers’ Instructions 1. Context As part of Modern World GCSE study of the Treaty of Versailles. You should have studied hopes for the peace, aims of the Big Three,… Continue reading Globalization: The relevancy of the United Nations
Globalization: John Rawls and the Veil of Ignorance
Review homework answers. Listen to Bob Dylan’s . Discuss reasons that caring people ignore serious social problems. In journal, make note of any possible solutions they could share with Dylan, then share with class if desired. Reference Singer’s moral thought experiment showing we give preference to those near us. Henry Sidgwick, moral philosopher from Cambridge… Continue reading Globalization: John Rawls and the Veil of Ignorance
Globalization: Economy and the World Trade Organization
Discuss homework. Min-Candy bar trading activity – to show that trading can make you more satisfied. Take a vote of satisfaction before and after trading. The World Trade Organization is likely the largest force when it comes to the globalization of world economies. It’s stated purpose: “The World Trade Organization (WTO) deals with the global… Continue reading Globalization: Economy and the World Trade Organization
Globalization: Philosophy and Compassion
Review homework. Define compassion: pure feeling. Much more direct than feeling something about someone or something, compassion means sharing another’s feeling with as little selfishness as humanly possible. Listen to ’s Bangladesh. In journal, scholars write about how they can keep from turning their backs on suffering, what they have turned away from already, and… Continue reading Globalization: Philosophy and Compassion
Philosophy of Globalization: Climate Change
Discuss homework answers. Today we look at some of the ethical issues in the philosophy of climate change. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released Third Assessment in 2001 and Fourth Assessment in 2007. Fifth is due soon. Found that most of the global warming observed over the last 50 years is attributable to human… Continue reading Philosophy of Globalization: Climate Change
Globalization: Responsibility
Review homework answers. Theme: Responsibility What is responsibility? Is there a one-word definition? After class input, discuss the root: response. (show root on board) When the phone rings, we answer it because we know caller expects response. Perhaps responsibility begins when pieces of the world dial my number and ask for me by name, some… Continue reading Globalization: Responsibility
Globalization: Ethics Overview
Review homework answers. Intuition – should at least attempt to line up with our intuition OR explain why it doesn’t. For example, an ethical system that simply said murdering is good wouldn’t be accepted – unless possibly it had a really good explanation as to WHY. The Shallow Pond – The path from John’s… Continue reading Globalization: Ethics Overview
Philosophy and Food
Discuss homework answers. Philosophy and Food: Point 1: Branding drives our food preferences more than anything else. Show Lights, Action, Burger! Video: An emotional connection to branded food. “Gastroporn” phenomenon – show food ads that air on TV, including Hootie and the Blowfish BK commercial and truth in advertising fast food images. Review studies found… Continue reading Philosophy and Food
Philosophy of Globalization: Media and Happiness
Open class with different versions of “Here Comes the Sun” to lead into happiness discussion. Discuss homework responses. Brief discussion of happiness and eudaimonia drawn from . Emphasis on research responses from the E-Media fast assignment. Difference between long term and short term happiness. E-media fast quotes from students: “Basically it seems that if I… Continue reading Philosophy of Globalization: Media and Happiness