Chapter 5 In Chapter 5, Lanham attempts to highlight the two different ways of seeing once again, through an at or through form of attention. Focusing in one way tends to mean we don’t focus in the other way. For example, Lanham gives the research who specializes in a topic, and can even teach that topic well, but struggles to put… Continue reading Economics of Attention Ch 5-8
Category: Book Club
Economics of Attention Chapter 2
Back to Chapter 1. This chapter explores the art of Warhol and the Dada Movement as part of its argument that {fluff,style,rhetoric} has made a come back and is equally, if not more important than actual stuff: “The lesson was simple and, once learned, tedious. Art is not stuff made out of stuff taken from the earth’s… Continue reading Economics of Attention Chapter 2
Philosophy Book Review: The Montessori Method
As a follow-up to the reading of Dewey’s Democracy and Education, I recently read The Montessori Method. Written in 1914, it purports to be one of – if not the first – attempt at scientific pedagogy. The emphasis is on designing education around a method that actually works for the way children behave naturally, rather than… Continue reading Philosophy Book Review: The Montessori Method
Philosophy Book Club: One World
I recently read Peter Singer’s while working on lesson plans for a Governor’s School course proposal. Although some of the information in here is a bit outdated, the overal premise is still relevant and extremely important to think about as the trend toward globalization continues to increase. The most basic way to state the problem… Continue reading Philosophy Book Club: One World
The Effects of TV: How To Be Happy and Live the Good Life
A new book explores the impact that a person’s media viewing habits can have on the quality of their life and ability to achieve happiness. WEBWIRE – Thursday, November 15, 2012 Meridian, Mississippi, USA – This November, author J.J. Sylvia IV has released the book “The Effects of TV: How To Be Happy and Live the Good… Continue reading The Effects of TV: How To Be Happy and Live the Good Life
Philosophy Book Club: Going Down
Full Disclosure: John Tuepker was my high school history teacher and is also the uncle of Philosophy Matters contributor Fr. Jimmy Morrison. Wide Ranging Although I wasn’t sure what to expect going into this book, what I found was a well-researched, thorough, and strong argument presented in a logical order, though the passion often overflows… Continue reading Philosophy Book Club: Going Down
Philosophy Book Club: Ishmael
“Teacher seeks pupil. Must have an earnest desire to save the world. Apply in person.” It is this ad near the beginning of Daniel Quinn’s that kicks off the fast-paced story. The book was a quick afternoon read for me, as it was interesting enough to continuously compel me to keep turning the page. The… Continue reading Philosophy Book Club: Ishmael
Philosophy Book Club: Jonathan Livingston Seagull
I had previously read and enjoyed it a great deal, to this day recalling some of the passages that really stood out to me. However, I never looked bothered to check whether Bach had written more, so I was pleasantly surprised when one of my coauthors introduced me to a copy of that they owned.… Continue reading Philosophy Book Club: Jonathan Livingston Seagull
Democracy and Education part 4
The last section of Dewey’s discussed the importance of the scientific method to the way we now learn. He argued that this method broke down the opposition that had existed between rationalism and empiricism in philosophy. Now, empiricism was called to check on that which reason and theory suggested in a way that it never… Continue reading Democracy and Education part 4
Book Club: Democracy and Education part 3
This week, we are continuing our discussion of Dewey’s Democracy and Education. One of his themes that has been on my mind is that passing on communities through education is important, but the size of that community affects what gets passed on. I believe that this reflection is extremely important when considering the current educational… Continue reading Book Club: Democracy and Education part 3