A few quick and exciting announcements today:
Upcoming Kickstarter Project
I’m planning to launch a Kickstarter project next week for a book on Philosophy and the Good Life that I’m very passionate about writing. I’m going to be asking for a lot of support, and I’m hoping that this will be a huge success. I think I’ve also come up with some cool rewards that will get people interested in being involved!
New Favicon
Google Hangout
This week, we held our first ever Philosophy Matters Google Hangout, where we discussed philosophy of religion. We had a few technical difficulties along the way, but overall learned something about both religion and Google Hangouts! We enjoyed getting it set up and would like to do some more of these in the future. If you have any suggestions for potential topics, please let us know. In the mean time, please check out our first hangout:
yes! Love all of the new updates and news!!!