Today, while my some of my thoughts were coming and going, a sudden epiphany hit me: I miss journaling. It’s something I used to do a great deal of, and it was most definitely a way that I was able to clear a lot of the thoughts out of my head. Granted, blogging for Philosophy Matters requires a lot of writing, but the writing I do for this blog is much more focused and always centered around a common theme.
I used to journal online almost daily, and in fact, was among the first handful of people to start doing so. Going back and reading what I wrote years ago is interesting in many different ways. It’s interesting because I don’t remember much of it, and it’s often like reading about someone else’s life. It’s interesting to reflect on what it was like to be a teenager, because that’s something I think we often want to forget. It’s interesting to remember the joy of being alive at that age and not being worried about as many “adult” problems. Subsequently, if you’d like to check out a collection of the first year of my online journal, from my sophomore year in high school, check it out:
I realized just how therapeutic this process has been for me in my life. It’s something that clears my mind, and in that way, I think, it’s a lot like meditation. It quiets the noise. In addition to the immediate benefit of that quietness, it also makes a great resource to look back on years later. In light of today’s revelation, I’m reviving my personal blog: Hic Habitat Felicitas. Check it out if you’re interested.
Have you ever journaled? Had any of your own epiphanies while meditating?