Film Friday: Waking Life

Wiley visits Eamonn Healy, Chemistry professor at Austin. Healy discusses human evolution and the values that are associated with it: parasitism, dominance, morality, war, predation. In this scheme “the individual is at the whim of the collective.” He then states that we are beginning a new kind of evolution, which involves bio-technology (artificial intelligence, neuro-biology),… Continue reading Film Friday: Waking Life

Is struggle necessary for happiness?

A passing comment on Twitter recently started an interesting conversation about how a person can achieve true happiness and peace of mind in life. In religious discussions, the presence of evil in the world despite the existence of an all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-present God is often reconciled by arguing that evil is necessary. In other… Continue reading Is struggle necessary for happiness?

Categorized as Ethics

Film Friday: When Harry Met Sally – Why Women Fake Orgasms

Today I’m happy to announce a new regular posting on Philosophy Matters: Film Friday (yes, I like alliteration!). Each week at Philosophy Matters, we will be watching a movie and thinking about it philosophically. This week, LKAwesome selected “When Harry Met Sally,” which I had surprisingly never seen before! The following entry is a collaboration… Continue reading Film Friday: When Harry Met Sally – Why Women Fake Orgasms