I’m excited to introduce the newest co-author to Philosophy Matters, Doctor JustHeath. His diverse background in the biological sciences, psychology and counseling makes him a wonderful addition to our collaborative community at Philosophy Matters. I’ve also had the opportunity to see how much fun he can bring to the educational environment, as perhaps my favorite memory of JustHeath is the… Continue reading Introducing Our Newest Co-Author: JustHeath
Category: About
Introducing Our Newest Co-Author: Swalters
I’m excited to introduce the newest author at Philosophy Matters, Swalters! He brings with him a wealth of knowledge about all things language, and in addition to being widely read (and watched… does that work, here? I should ask Swalters), he has one of the best memories of anyone I’ve met. To this day, I… Continue reading Introducing Our Newest Co-Author: Swalters
Introducing Our Newest Co-Author: Fr. Jim Morrison
I’m excited to welcome our second new co-author to Philosophy Matters, my long-time friend Jimmy Morrison. Jimmy will be bringing his own personal religious insight into the discussions that we have here in order to help us continue to broaden our perspectives. Please join me in giving a warm welcome to Jimmy! Rev. James N.… Continue reading Introducing Our Newest Co-Author: Fr. Jim Morrison
Introducing LKAwesome
In an effort to move closer to my ultimate vision of what Philosophy Matters will become, I am in the process of bringing on two new co-authors that I believe will strengthen the community and energize the conversations we are able to have here. An important part of this vision includes discussing philosophy in an… Continue reading Introducing LKAwesome
About This Site (and me)
About the Site I decided to start this site because I’m passionate about philosophy and I believe that in today’s world it has a bit of PR problem. Many people still see it as an esoteric discipline, full of ivory tower observations that don’t relate to daily life. While it is certainly possible to make… Continue reading About This Site (and me)