We’re making final preparations as we get closer to labor. This week we focus on packing the bags that we will bring with us to the hospital, including stuff for Lea, me, and the baby. We consult a lot of books and get pretty confused. Some stuff is obvious, like an outfit for the baby.… Continue reading Ph.Dad Episode 7: Packing the Hospital Bag
Author: JJ Sylvia IV
J.J. Sylvia IV attended Mississippi State University where he received B.A. degrees in philosophy and communications. He later received a philosophy M.A. from the University of Southern Mississippi.
Water Shortages in Australia
This post is part of a series by my students at Mississippi Governor’s School. As a final project, they were challenged with creating an idea that could be used on a massive scale to help others live the good life. Philosophy Class I was a little nervous at first in philosophy class; we talked about… Continue reading Water Shortages in Australia
Ph.Dad Episode 6: Packapalooza Craft Table
This week Lea and I attend our first ever craft fair as a vendor. We got a booth to sell our Essential Montessori (http://www.essentialmontessori.com) toys at Packapalooza! See how it went here.
Craigslist for the Caring
This post is part of a series by my students at Mississippi Governor’s School. As a final project, they were challenged with creating an idea that could be used on a massive scale to help others live the good life. When asked what I took away from philosophy class, a lot of answers come to… Continue reading Craigslist for the Caring
The Bias of Communication
Nietzsche once wrote that “our writing instruments contribute to our thoughts” in reference to his switch from a pen to the Malling-Hansen Writing Ball typewriter. He was responding in a letter to his friend Peter Gast, who had noted the change in writing style. Friedrich Kittler describes this as a change from “arguments to aphorisms,… Continue reading The Bias of Communication
The Good Life, Organic Living, and Macrowikinomics
This post is the first in a series by my students at Mississippi Governor’s School. As a final project, they were challenged with creating an idea that could be used on a massive scale to help others live the good life. As I scoured the World Wide Web to find the perfect topic for me… Continue reading The Good Life, Organic Living, and Macrowikinomics
Ph.Dad Episode 5: Baby Beer
This week we brew an American-style barleywine that will serve two purposes! It will be the celebration beer for after our baby is born; however, we’ll also be wax sealing a few of them to save them so that hopefully they can be eventually be our kid’s first beer! We chose the barleywine style precisely… Continue reading Ph.Dad Episode 5: Baby Beer
Globalization: The relevancy of the United Nations
Discuss homework answers. Open with discussion about the difficulty of balancing interests among nations. Treaty of Versailles negotiation activity: Treaty of Versailles Negotiation Game – Teachers’ Instructions 1. Context As part of Modern World GCSE study of the Treaty of Versailles. You should have studied hopes for the peace, aims of the Big Three,… Continue reading Globalization: The relevancy of the United Nations
Ph.Dad Episode 4 – Making Wood Finish for Kids’ Toys
I’ve long loved the aesthetics of wood. I created and ran the website for Unfinished Furniture Showcase and have a lot of real wood furniture in my house thanks to that position. As I learned about the educational philosophy, I was excited to see the emphasis on wood toys and the importance of a child… Continue reading Ph.Dad Episode 4 – Making Wood Finish for Kids’ Toys
Globalization: John Rawls and the Veil of Ignorance
Review homework answers. Listen to Bob Dylan’s . Discuss reasons that caring people ignore serious social problems. In journal, make note of any possible solutions they could share with Dylan, then share with class if desired. Reference Singer’s moral thought experiment showing we give preference to those near us. Henry Sidgwick, moral philosopher from Cambridge… Continue reading Globalization: John Rawls and the Veil of Ignorance