This post is part of a series by my students at Mississippi Governor’s School. As a final project, they were challenged with creating an idea that could be used on a massive scale to help others live the good life. Thoughts on philosophy class So many times we look at a problem and say “that’s… Continue reading People Like Us
Author: JJ Sylvia IV
J.J. Sylvia IV attended Mississippi State University where he received B.A. degrees in philosophy and communications. He later received a philosophy M.A. from the University of Southern Mississippi.
National Writing Month
Many of you have likely heard of , or National Novel Writing Month, which has been around since 1999, but I just recently discovered AcWriMo, or Academic Writing Month. The goal of both is ultimately writing, but there are a few differences between the two. NaNoWriMo aims to produce a 50,000 word novel by the end… Continue reading National Writing Month
Jesus vs. Socrates
vs. John Durham Peters writes in Socrates and Jesus represent two contrasting but enduring models of communication. Jesus serves as a model for dissemination, while Socrates models dialogue, which Peters claims has been widely accepted as the superior method. Socrates Socrates is well known for his dialectic method of engaging with others in a… Continue reading Jesus vs. Socrates
The Dali Llama and Passion
This post is part of a series by my students at Mississippi Governor’s School. As a final project, they were challenged with creating an idea that could be used on a massive scale to help others live the good life. One of the topics I most enjoyed discussing in philosophy was compassion. Learning Dali Llama’s… Continue reading The Dali Llama and Passion
10 Quick Tips to Secure Your Social Media and Digital Devices
Philosophy Matters’ has partnered with ESET for an awesome raffle this month! Enter here for your chance to win one of 6 ESET software packages, a $100 target gift card, or 1 Android tablet! a Rafflecopter giveaway Last month, we took some time to consider 5 ways to protect your kids online. This month, I wanted… Continue reading 10 Quick Tips to Secure Your Social Media and Digital Devices
Why Do We Justify Inaction?
This post is part of a series by my students at Mississippi Governor’s School. As a final project, they were challenged with creating an idea that could be used on a massive scale to help others live the good life. I’m not going to start this by asking, “What is a chair?” You’re welcome. In… Continue reading Why Do We Justify Inaction?
Ph.Dad: Cloth Diapering
This week we get in our first shipment of cloth diapers from our local diaper service, and Lea attempts to figure out how exactly cloth diapering works.
Random Hacks of Kindness
This post is part of a series by my students at Mississippi Governor’s School. As a final project, they were challenged with creating an idea that could be used on a massive scale to help others live the good life. Random Hacks of Kindness (RHOK) is an organization dedicated to helping come up with… Continue reading Random Hacks of Kindness
Ph.Dad Episode 8: Installing the Car Seat
This weekend Lea and I had fun installing the car seat and mirror that we purchased for the baby. Car seats are apparently notoriously difficult, so much so that you’re supposed to go to the fire department so they can make sure you did it right! We’re almost fully prepped for the arrival of our… Continue reading Ph.Dad Episode 8: Installing the Car Seat
How to Protect Your Kids Online – These 5 Easy Ways
I’d like to say up front that this is not a fear-mongering post. The internet and I basically grew up together. I learned a lot about the world and myself through connecting with others, and I taught myself skills that serve me well to this day – like blogging! Viruses and phishing scams were never… Continue reading How to Protect Your Kids Online – These 5 Easy Ways