Wiley visits Eamonn Healy, Chemistry professor at Austin. Healy discusses human evolution and the values that are associated with it: parasitism, dominance, morality, war, predation. In this scheme “the individual is at the whim of the collective.” He then states that we are beginning a new kind of evolution, which involves bio-technology (artificial intelligence, neuro-biology),… Continue reading Film Friday: Waking Life
Author: JJ Sylvia IV
J.J. Sylvia IV attended Mississippi State University where he received B.A. degrees in philosophy and communications. He later received a philosophy M.A. from the University of Southern Mississippi.
Does Truth Matter?
The current political situation in the U.S. frustrates me to no end. A recent NRP report suggests one of the reason things might be so problematic: not only do campaigns not seem to care abpout the truth – people seem to be ok with the fact that this is happening. Here are two examples from… Continue reading Does Truth Matter?
Book Club: Democracy and Education part 1
John Dewey: Democracy and Education Now in many cases—too many cases—the activity of the immature human being is simply played upon to secure habits which are useful. Dewey really draws out the problem with a great deal of the educational process here – not just in the actual school system, but also the education that… Continue reading Book Club: Democracy and Education part 1
5 Ways to Reduce Stress and Increase Happiness
Stanford University offers a course on how Happiness and Well Being. American culture tends to focus on an idea of “success” which puts a great deal of weight on things like career and money and possessions. None of these things are necessarily bad in and of themselves, however, when we focus exclusively on these things,… Continue reading 5 Ways to Reduce Stress and Increase Happiness
Moral Monday: The Trolley Problem
A trolley is running out of control down a track. In its path are five people who have been tied to the track by a mad philosopher. Fortunately, you could flip a switch, which will lead the trolley down a different track to safety. Unfortunately, there is a single person tied to that track. Should… Continue reading Moral Monday: The Trolley Problem
Philosopher vs. Priest: Manna and Body of Christ
I’m back from a brief hiatus! Real life got in the way, but things have settled back down, and I’m excited to start back this week with another Philosopher vs. Priest post! Check out this week’s reading here. JJ: From this reading I would surmise that evangelism is more important than providing aid, such as food,… Continue reading Philosopher vs. Priest: Manna and Body of Christ
Film Friday: My Big Fat Greek Wedding – The Opa Lifestyle
“My people were writing philosophy when your people were still swinging in trees.” JJ: One of things that really stood out in this movie, and about Greek culture in general, is the Opa lifestyle, or attitude. The Greeks have a long and proud history of asking questions abou the good life and how we can… Continue reading Film Friday: My Big Fat Greek Wedding – The Opa Lifestyle
The Digital Divide Re-Examined
A common theme in research on teaching and technology is that there is a Digital Divide between generations: digital natives are those younger than about 30 years old, who have grown up with technology. Digital Immigrants are those older than that who have had to learn technology tools such as computers when they were already… Continue reading The Digital Divide Re-Examined
Philosopher vs. Priest: Being Tested
Quick note: Here is this week’s Philosopher vs. Priest entry. I’m in the process of moving and haven’t had internet access for the past few days, except from my cell phone. I should be connected again by this Thursday and updating regularly once again. Sorry for the delay in posting! JJ: This week’s reading can… Continue reading Philosopher vs. Priest: Being Tested
On Intellectual Virtues
After my entry on intellectual virtues and perseverance, my friend Heath suggested that a more clear explanation of intellectual virtues might help to make things more clear, so I thought I would take the opportunity to do that today. This will be a bit more technical than usual, but hopefully the examples will help clarify things. In discussing… Continue reading On Intellectual Virtues