Weekend Meditation: On Weekends

This weekend I have to work on Saturday. This reminds me how thankful I am to normally have weekends off. Two whole days of not working each week truly is something to be appreciated and enjoyed!

On Disagreeing

A friend of Philosophy Matters recently linked me to an interesting article discussing new funding opportunities for philosophers researching some of the “Big Questions.” Research funding for philosophers is something that has, essentially, never happened before. Now multi-million dollar grants are being awarded for looking at questions regarding free will and immortality. First and foremost, I’m thrilled… Continue reading On Disagreeing

Democracy and Education part 4

The last section of Dewey’s discussed the importance of the scientific method to the way we now learn. He argued that this method broke down the opposition that had existed between rationalism and empiricism in philosophy. Now, empiricism was called to check on that which reason and theory suggested in a way that it never… Continue reading Democracy and Education part 4

Categorized as Book Club

Intentional Communities

JJ: This past week we watched and traveled to Fairhope, AL, which got us thinking a lot about intentional communities. I asked my friend Clay Parks to join our discussion. He’s looking to start an intentional community in Missouri. Below are his answers to the questions that we presented him. Clay: Tell us a little bit… Continue reading Intentional Communities

Categorized as Ethics

Film Friday: Wanderlust and Fairhope, AL

This week we picked up  on a whim from our local Redbox, without really knowing very much about it. We were pleasantly surprised to discover that it focused heavily on intentional communities, something that’s been coming up in conversation frequently lately. After losing his job when his company is shut down, George and his wife… Continue reading Film Friday: Wanderlust and Fairhope, AL